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Success Stories

I have not always been kind and respectful to the body God gave me. I ate what tasted good to me and usually did not pay attention to calories or how much food I was eating. I often snacked, not for hunger but for taste, emotion, oral sensation. As a young person, all was well and happy and I looked and felt good. BUT, after two children and getting older, my habits started catching up with me and the weight piled on. Bummer being overweight so I exercised more and started watching what I ate. This approach worked in my 30’s…read more

– Signed “A healthy and happier person.”

My experience working with Karen was amazing! She was personable, caring, thorough, and very knowledgeable about Ayurvedic practices and solutions.  She was  inquisitive about my complete health and history (not just current symptoms) which helped get to the bottom of my health challenges.  I would 10/10 recommend Karen to anyone looking for a personalized, natural approach to health and wellness.

– Marie

Karen first met with me to discuss several issues I was having with my digestion and general health. She took me seriously and didn’t make me feel bad for the food and daily schedule that I was having. But rather, she listened to me. She took copious notes for the benefit of my healing. Then after she spent time thinking about everything we had talked about, she discussed options I could try. I loved how she presented them, as quoted by Karen: “Below is a list of suggestions; choose 2 or 3, just the ones that strike you.” She gave me the “freedom” to try what sounded good to me. She explained the Sanskrit words in an easy-to-understand way.  She is a caring, knowledgeable person who truly cares for the health and well being of people around her. I look forward to the next time I meet with her.

– Jayne

I’ve always had trouble falling asleep at night and Karen gave me a tip that I found unexpectedly helpful: putting my attention on my breathing while trying to sleep. It really has helped quiet my mind’s activity and I frequently do fall asleep that way. Karen is very well-versed in the Ayurvedic approach to health, and I appreciate that she has had specific suggestions about which foods to eat more or less of, in order to support my digestion, depending on the season.

– Jeanne