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Primary Energies

Take a look outside. Watch the wind, the rain, the heat; it is weather as we know it. Now change your perspective for a minute and consider what you see as energies. Energies that arise from the activity of ether, air, fire, water and earth, the building blocks of life. If we look closely and pay attention, we can see these energies at work in our bodies and minds. The wind (air) moves our blood, beats our heart. Ether provides function for the nervous system. Fire transforms an apple into nourishment. Water enables biological function. Earth provides stability and strength. These examples and countless more give us a bird’s eye view into the function of the elements/energies within our bodies. The energies reside in the GI tract, our gut, as the gate keepers of health. As they increase and become aggravated by improper diet and lifestyle choices, they circulate throughout the body.

The circulating energies look for genetic weak spots or areas that have taken abuse for extended periods of time and land there to settle in. At first we feel slight aggravation, we see early signs of things being not quite right. Maybe it’s a bit of inflammation or the start of acid indigestion or a change in mood. The symptoms may be minimal but we inherently know something is off. Something is off and needs attention. Our body is always communicating with us. Our cells are alive and intelligent and they are trying to get our attention. Their messages have content. Tuning into that content is what gives us the capacity for self-healing.

If we pay attention and take action, we can bring the energies home and restore balance. As a simple example, when we get a chill, we know what to do to restore balance: we turn up the heat, reach for a blanket, sip hot tea. These activities rid the body of the chill, restoring balance. On the level of disease however we need deeper and greater understanding. Ayurvedic Practitioners help you learn to identify symptoms potentially long before a diagnosis. We help you understand what is off and what needs to be done to restore balance. This is how we avoid disease. It is an everyday decision to listen to our bodies, to pay attention to the activity of the mind and to seek greater understanding of how to ‘right the ship.’

The Sanskrit term for these energies is dosha. There are 3 primary doshas each of which is comprised of the 5 elements of ether, air, fire, water, earth. Ayurveda recognizes the uniqueness of every person, and while some may have just one predominant dosha, it’s important to understand that everyone is made up of all three.

  • Vata is the energy of movement, it has a predominance of ether and air.
  • Pitta is the energy of transformation, it has a predominance of fire and water.
  • Kapha is the energy of strength and stability, it has a predominance of earth and water.

While the doshas reflect three basic energetic patterns, they manifest in an unlimited number of combinations in humans and all forms of life. Each individual has their own unique and ideal balance of elements. What is your dosha?

Below are examples of each dosha in an imbalanced state.
Do you see yourself in any of the below?

Difficulty Focusing?

Do you have an agitated mind where you find it difficult to focus? Do you talk fast, eat fast, walk fast, forget fast? Do you find yourself holding your breath? Do you suffer from anxiety or do you perhaps have arthritis, low back pain or osteopenia? Ayurveda teaches us that vata, the energy of movement, is out of balance. By applying the principles of Ayurveda as it relates to the vata dosha, concentration with a calm mind can be achieved as well as relief from muscle and joint pain, anxiety, gas and bloating, among many other ailments.

Things Not Going Right?

Do you get annoyed easily if something doesn’t work right? When you’re explaining something, does it bother you if others don’t ‘get it’ the first time? Are you quick to anger and have a sharp tongue? Do you perhaps have skin issues, hot inflamed joints or liver problems? Ayurveda teaches us that pitta, the energy of heat and transformation, is out of balance. By applying the principles of Ayurveda as it relates to the pitta dosha, renewed patience can be achieved with the potential for clear skin, reduced inflammation and balanced liver function.

Tired all the time?

Do you have a hard time getting out of bed? Do you struggle with lack of motivation and tend toward depression? Are you perhaps pre-diabetic, have high cholesterol, suffer from congestion or a foggy brain? Do you find yourself wanting to take long naps in the afternoon? Ayurveda teaches us that kapha, the energy of structure and stability, is out of balance. By applying the principles of Ayurveda as it relates to the kapha dosha, renewed energy can be achieved along with clarity of mind, balanced blood sugar levels, lowered cholesterol and relief of systemic congestion.